Per word - required

  • Modello: PERWORDREQ
  • Peso spedizione: 1kg.
  • 1000 disponibilità in magazzino

A partire da: 6.10EUR

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Enter your text up to 64 characters, punctuation and spaces

Prezzo per parola: 0.06EUR

Prezzo per parola: 0.06EUR Parola(e) gratis 3

Da inserire:

Product is priced by attribute

The Option Name Line 1 is setup as Text

The attribute is added to the product as Required

The pricing is $0.05 per word

The Option Name Line2 is setup as Text

The attribute is added to the product as Required

The pricing is $0.05 per word with 3 words Free

The Colors are set up as radio buttons and Red is the Default.

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