Hewlett Packard - by attributes SALE with Special

  • Modello: HPLJ1100XI
  • Peso spedizione: 45kg.
  • 700 disponibilità in magazzino
  • Prodotto da: Hewlett Packard

A partire da: 608.78EUR  456.59EUR
 25% di sconto

Fai la scelta:


Da inserire:
The Product Price is set to 0.00

The Product Priced by Attributes is set to YES

The attribute prices are defined without the price prefix of +

The Display Price is made up of the lowest attribute price from each Option Name group.

If there had been a Product Price, this would have been added together to the lowest attributes price from each of the Option Name groups to make up the display price.

The price prefix of the + is not used as we are not "adding" to the display price.

The Colors attributes are set for the discount to be applied, their prices before the discount are:
White $499.99
Black $519.00
Blue $539.00

Prodotto a catalogo dal 08 gennaio 2004.

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