Vari Tipi Prodotto

Questa è una categoria con vari Tipi Prodotto. Sono inclusi sia prodotti che documenti. Ci sono due tipi di documenti - Documenti che sono per lettura e Documenti che sono per lettura ed acquisto.
Sample of Product General Type

Sample of Product General Type

Product General Type are your regular products. There are no special needs or layout issues to work with.
Sample of Product Music Type

Sample of Product Music Type

The Product Music Type is specially designed for music media. This can offer a lot more flexibility than the Product General.
Sample of Document General Type

Sample of Document General Type

Document General Type is used for Products that are actually Documents. These cannot be added to the cart but can be configured for the Document...
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Sample of Document Product Type

Sample of Document Product Type

Document Product Type is used for Documents that are also available for sale. You might wish to display brief peices of the Document then offer it...
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Sample of Product Free Shipping Type

Sample of Product Free Shipping Type

Product Free Shipping can be setup to highlight the Free Shipping aspect of the product. These pages include a Free Shipping Image on them. You can...
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